50 VIP Pink Premium Bouquet
50 VIP Pink Premium Bouquet
Indulge in luxury with our stunning arrangement of 50 premium pink roses, expertly crafted by our talented florists in Austin. Each bouquet is meticulously arranged with care and attention to detail, ensuring a truly exquisite presentation. The 50 VIP Pink Premium Bouquet by 'Jane's Fruits & Flowers' is a stunning arrangement that includes 50 roses, carefully arranged by a skilled florist. The bouquet is beautifully wrapped with satin ribbons, adding an elegant touch to the already exquisite flowers. This bouquet is perfect for a variety of occasions, from birthdays to anniversaries to congratulatory gestures. The bouquet requires pre-ordering. Additionally, delivery is available in Austin, TX, making it convenient to surprise someone special with this luxurious floral gift. For pre-orders and inquiries, contact us.