Easter Bunny Bouquet
Easter Bunny Bouquet
Easter Bunny Bouquet by Jane's Fruits and Flowers
is a stunning bouquet that featuring yellow roses, hyacinth, gerberas, gypsophila in different colors, and wax flowers, all arranged in a decorative wicker basket with a cute bunny accent! This beautiful floral arrangement is available for delivery in Austin.
The Easter Bunny Bouquet is the perfect gift for anyone who loves Easter or just enjoys a fun and festive floral display. The bright and cheerful colors of the flowers, including the sunny yellow roses and playful gerberas, are sure to put a smile on anyone's face.
The decorative wicker basket adds an extra touch of charm to this delightful arrangement, and the bunny accent is the perfect finishing touch. The wax flowers and gypsophila add texture and dimension to the bouquet, making it even more stunning.
The Easter Bunny Bouquet is a beautiful and unique choice. With delivery available in Austin, it's easy to surprise someone special with this delightful gift. Order now and brighten up someone's day with this charming floral arrangement!
Each bouquet is unique and created especially for you. We hope that it will bring you joy and good mood!
This item is made individually after receiving the order and may differ from the photo on the site due to seasonality and the supply of ingredients, while the style and color palette will not be changed. If you have special requests, such as the availability of certain decorative elements, please contact us.
Transport and store the bouquet vertically, away from sources of heat and direct light, in a cool place. For longer storage, always use water and a refrigerator.
We make a bouquet of fresh ingredients just before handing it over to the customer, remember that it is the freshest on the day of delivery.
Please notes that a bouquet made from fresh natural ingredients has a decorative purpose only. The bouquet is very fragile, treat it with care.
We are accepting order hours prior to its delivery , so in this case we could confirm availability of package and bouquet's ingredients. We have delivery available for the extra cost within Austin areas. For the delivery information, go to our main page and click tab "Delivery".