Flamingo Deluxe Bouquet
Flamingo Deluxe Bouquet
Flamingo Deluxe Bouquet by Jane's Fruits Flowers
features a stunning mix of pink and dark pink roses, pink and dark pink spray roses, and gerberas in shades of pink and cream. The delicate blooms are complemented by the soft, billowy texture of lilac hydrangeas and the silvery foliage of dusty miller. Paint asters solidago add a touch of texture and contrast to the bouquet, while eucalyptus lends a fresh, invigorating scent.
This bouquet is presented in a beautiful pink hat box, tied with a satin ribbon for a touch of elegance. The hat box provides a unique and stylish presentation that is sure to impress. This bouquet is perfect for expressing love and romance, but would also be a wonderful gift for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries.
The bouquet is expertly arranged by a skilled florist in Austin, Texas and can be delivered within Austin areas to your doorstep or the doorstep of your loved one. The florist can also customize the bouquet to suit your preferences and the occasion. Overall, this bouquet is a beautiful and thoughtful gift that is sure to brighten anyone's day.