Introducing our stunning Peonies Bouquet, a true celebration of nature's beauty and elegance. This exquisite bouquet features lush, full peonies, known for their large, ruffled petals and captivating fragrance. The Peonies Bouquet is elegantly complemented by fresh greenery, decorative satin ribbons gracefully wrap around the bouquet, enhancing its luxurious appearance. The entire ensemble is beautifully presented in a floral wrap, making it a perfect gift for any occasion. Ideal for anniversaries, birthdays, Mother's Day, or simply as a thoughtful gift, the Peonies Bouquet from Jane's Fruits and Flowers is designed to bring joy and beauty to your loved ones. Available in season from May to July, this bouquet can be ordered 5 days in advance to ensure the freshest blooms. With our reliable flower delivery service in Austin, TX, you can trust that your Peonies Bouquet will arrive in pristine condition, ready to brighten someone's day.
To ensure your bouquet perfectly matches your vision, the availability of colors can be discussed with our manager. Available in a variety colors.
*Vase included. Pre-Order: Requires a 5-day advance order to ensure the freshest blooms.