Purple Harmony Bouquet of Roses
Purple Harmony Bouquet of Roses
The Purple Harmony Bouquet of Roses by Jane's Fruits and Flowers
This gorgeous bouquet features a lovely mix of fresh pink roses, purple hydrangea, pink alstroemeria, purple aster solidago, limonium, eryngium, and leather leaf fern. The combination of these flowers creates a harmonious color scheme, with shades of pink and purple that beautifully complement each other.
Expertly arranged in a compact yet lush manner, this bouquet is sure to catch the eye. The flowers and greenery are skillfully placed to create a balanced and visually appealing composition, with the leather leaf fern adding texture and depth, and the limonium and eryngium adding unique touches of whimsy and interest.
To finish off the look, the bouquet is tied together with lilac satin ribbons for an added touch of elegance and refinement. Whether you're looking for a special gift for a loved one or a stunning addition to your next event or occasion, the Purple Harmony Bouquet of Roses is sure to impress!