White, Orange Roses & Ranunculus Bouquet
White, Orange Roses & Ranunculus Bouquet
White, Orange Roses Ranunculus Bouquet by Jane's Fruits Flowers
is a stunning combination of white and orange roses, white spray roses, gypsophila, white ranunculus, and white freesia, with accents of silver dollar eucalyptus. The white flowers add a touch of elegance and sophistication, while the orange roses provide a pop of color and vibrancy.
The delicate white spray roses and freesia add a softness to the bouquet, while the gypsophila provides a light and airy texture. The Silver Dollar Eucalyptus adds a subtle greenery that complements the flowers perfectly. The contrasting colors of the flowers create a stunning visual effect that is perfect for any occasion, whether it's a wedding bouquet or a thoughtful gift.
This bouquet is sure to impress and delight anyone who receives it with its timeless beauty and elegance.
The bouquet is expertly arranged by a skilled florist in Austin, Texas and can be delivered to your doorstep or the doorstep of your loved one. The florist can also customize the bouquet to suit your preferences and the occasion.
*This bouquet, presented without a vase